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This particular page contains a full list of all SNMP MIBS from Tecnopro SA represented in our database. Use these MIBs to manage and capture information from various Tecnopro SA equipment, including Tecnopro SA routers, switches, other devices and software agents. There are a total of 26 Tecnopro SA MIB downloads in this section, containing over 2176 OIDS (Object Identifiers) in the proprietary Tecnopro SA subtree. Some of the latest updated Tecnopro SA MIBs include APPIAN-BUFFERS-MIB, APPIAN-PPORT-DS1-MIB, APPIAN-STRATUM-MIB, APPIAN-LPORT-DS1-MIB, APPIAN-LPORT-DS3-MIB

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Last updated on 11/17/2014 9:57:13 AM

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Tecnopro SA     Total Files: 26     Sorted By: OID
MIB/Module  OID  Variable # Date
APPIAN-SMI-MIB 18 1/27/2000  (appian)
Appian Communications Enterprise MIB Definitions
APPIAN-CHASSIS-MIB 60 4/20/2000  (acChassis)
Appian OSAP Chassis MIB which defines the current hardware configuration and state information.
APPIAN-BUFFERS-MIB 35 10/16/2000  (acBuffers)
Appian Communications OSAP buffers MIB contains the definitions for buffer management related configuration objects.
APPIAN-MODULE-MIB 37 11/4/1999  (acModule)
Appian Communications OSAP Modules MIB contain the definitions for module hardware information and status.
APPIAN-PPORT-COMMON-MIB 17 3/4/2000  (acPportCommon)
Appian physical port common MIB provides configuration information common to all physical interfaces.
APPIAN-PPORT-SERIAL-MIB 24 2/23/2000  (acSerial)
Appian Serial Interface MIB for RS232 like interfaces.
APPIAN-PPORT-ETHERNET-MIB 65 2/23/2000  (acEnet)
Appian Communications Ethernet Access MIB which contains the configuration and statistics attributes for an 802.3 physical interface.
APPIAN-PPORT-DS1-MIB 196 9/7/2000  (acDs1)
The MIB module to describe the Appian DS1 interfaces objects. The tables for this DS1 are NOT SHARED between OSAPs.
APPIAN-PPORT-DS3-MIB 173 3/19/2000  (acDs3)
The is the MIB module that describes DS3 interfaces and objects for Appian Communications OSAP2k platforms. The tables in this DS3 mib are NOT SHARED between OSAPs.
APPIAN-PPORT-SONET-MIB 486 2/23/2000  (acSonet)
The MIB module to describe SONET/SDH objects.
APPIAN-PPORT-SONET-TRAP-MIB 183 3/4/2000  (acSonetTraps)
The MIB module to describe SONET/SDH Traps.
APPIAN-PFOT-MIB 15 2/23/2000  (acPfot)
Appian Communications Pluggable Fiber Optic Transceiver MIB which contains the configuration attributes for use of pluggable fiber optic transceiver technology in the OSAP product.
AC-LAG-MIB 95 2/23/2000  (acLagMIB)
The Appian Communications Link Aggregation module for managing IEEE Std 802.3ad.
APPIAN-LPORT-PRIVATE-MIB 7 3/19/2000  (acLportPrivate)
Draft engineering version. Not for release.
APPIAN-LPORT-DS1-MIB 185 8/21/2000  (acLogicalDs1)
The MIB module to describe the Appian Logical DS1 interfaces objects.
APPIAN-LPORT-DS3-MIB 159 8/21/2000  (acLogicalDs3)
The is the MIB module that describes DS3 interfaces and objects for Appian Communications OSAP2k platforms.
APPIAN-LPORT-HDLC-MIB 21 3/19/2000  (acLogicalHdlc)
Appian Communications HDLC Configuration and Statistics MIB.
APPIAN-LPORT-PPP-MIB 25 2/23/2000  (acPppLinks)
Appian Communications PPP/MLPPP Services MIB.
APPIAN-TIMESLOTS-MIB 17 8/21/2000  (acTimeSlots)
Appian Communications Network provisioning MIB definition.
APPIAN-TRUNK-SHARE-MIB 11 2/13/2000  (acTrunksShare)
Appian Communications Common trunking MIBs.
APPIAN-TRUNK-FR-MIB 13 11/10/1999  (acFrTrunk)
Appian Communications FrameRelay trunking MIB.
APPIAN-TRUNK-PPP-MIB 16 3/20/2000  (acPppTrunk)
Appian Communications PPP/MLPPP Services MIB.
APPIAN-TRUNK-PRIVATE-MIB 12 3/20/2000  (acTrunksPrivate)
Appian Communications Common trunking MIBs.
APPIAN-SYSTEM-MIB 183 11/14/1999  (acSystem)
Appian Communications Services MIB definitions file containing configuration and statistics control for system related services. These services include Configuration Management, Event Logging, Statistics Collection, Alarms and Thresholds configuration, OS
APPIAN-SERVICES-MIB 90 1/31/2000  (acServicesCommon)
Appian Communications OSAP Services MIB contain the definitions for Internet Access IAS) and Transparent LAN TLS) services.
APPIAN-STRATUM-MIB 33 8/22/2000  (acStratum)
Appian Communications Stratum MIB contain the definitions for the configuration and control of Stratum Clock module hardware information and status.