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This particular page contains a full list of all SNMP MIBS from Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. represented in our database. Use these MIBs to manage and capture information from various Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. equipment, including Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. routers, switches, other devices and software agents. There are a total of 32 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. MIB downloads in this section, containing over 2644 OIDS (Object Identifiers) in the proprietary Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. subtree. Some of the latest updated Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. MIBs include DOCS-LOADBAL3-MIB, DOCS-IF3-MIB, DOCS-DRF-MIB, DOCS-MCAST-AUTH-MIB, CL-PKTC-EUE-EDVA-MIB

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Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.     Total Files: 32     Sorted By: OID
MIB/Module  OID  Variable # Date
CLAB-DEF-MIB 43 4/8/2005  (dsgMIB)
This MIB module defines the namespace organization for the CableLabs enterprise OID registry. Copyright 1999-2005 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOCS-SUBMGT3-MIB 87 5/18/2007  (docsSubmgt3Mib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the CMTS control of the IP4 and IPv6 traffic with origin and destination to CMs and/or CPEs behind the CM.
DOCS-SEC-MIB 56 2/23/2007  (docsSecMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of the security requirements in the DOCSIS Security Specification.
DOCS-TEST-MIB 23 3/15/2002  (docsTestMibObjects)
This is the MIB Module supporting programmable test features for DOCSIS 2.0 compliant Cable Modems CM) and Cable Modem Termination Systems CMTS).
SLED-MIB 22 5/18/2007  (sledMibObjects)
This MIB module provides the management objects necessary to configure and invoke the Software Loopback Application for eDOCSIS SLED) functionality. Copyright 1999-2007 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
ESAFE-MIB 33 8/3/2007  (esafeMib)
This MIB module provides the management objects necessary to configure functionality of eSAFE components of a device implementing an eDOCSIS compliant cable modem and one or more eSAFE elements. Copyright 1999-2007 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All
DOCS-MCAST-MIB 70 8/3/2007  (docsMcastMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of Multicast over DOCSIS to support Multicast DSID forwarding and or bonded multicast.
DOCS-MCAST-AUTH-MIB 49 12/6/2007  (docsMcastAuthMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of the CMTS Multicast Authorization Module. Copyright 1999-2007 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOCS-LOADBALANCING-MIB 88 3/10/2004 5:00:00 PM  (docsLoadBalMibObjects)
This is the MIB Module for the load balancing. Load balancing is manageable on a per-CM basis. Each CM is assigned: a) to a set of channels a Load Balancing Group) among which it can be moved by the CMTS b) a policy which governs if and when the CM can be
DOCS-IF3-MIB 263 5/22/2008  (docsIf3Mib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of DOCSIS 3.0 features, primarly channel bonding, interface topology and enhanced signal quality montoring. Copyright 1999-2008 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOCS-QOS3-MIB 297 8/3/2007  (docsQos3Mib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of QOS for channel bonding.
DOCS-LOADBAL3-MIB 111 5/22/2008  (docsLoadbal3Mib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS Load Balanding operation. Copyright 1999-2006 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOCS-DRF-MIB 47 12/6/2007  (docsDrfMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of the Downstream RF Interface specification. Copyright 1999-2007 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
DSG-IF-MIB 89 11/24/2004  (dsgIfMIBObjects)
DOCS-IFEXT2-MIB 43 11/10/2004  (docsIfExt2MibObjects)
This MIB module contains the management objects that enhance DOCSIS 2.0 feature set. It includes SCDMA capability of limiting the number of codes assigned to a CM over the total active codes, referred as Maximum Scheduled Codes MSC).
DOCS-IF-M-CMTS-MIB 171 11/16/2005  (docsIfMCmtsMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the configuration and management of the External PHY interface DEPI) of the M-CMTS architecture Modular CMTS).
DTI-MIB 78 6/28/2006  (dtiMib)
This MIB module provides the management objects necessary to configure and manage the DOCSIS Timing Interface devices.
DOCS-L2VPN-MIB 91 3/28/2006  (docsL2vpnMIB)
This is the management MIB for devices complying to the DOCSIS L2VPN Feature.
DOCS-DIAG-MIB 49 12/7/2006  (docsDiagMib)
CL-PKTC-EUE-TC-MIB 28 8/22/2007  (pktcEUETCMIB)
This MIB module specifies the TEXTUAL CONVENTIONs for use in the definition of PacketCable E-UE MIB Objects.
CL-PKTC-EUE-DEV-MIB 59 8/22/2007  (pktcEUEDevMIB)
This MIB module contains Configuration MIB objects for the Embedded User Equipment eUE) as required by the PacketCable E-UE Provisioning Framework Specification.
CL-PKTC-EUE-USER-MIB 52 8/22/2007  (pktcEUEUserMIB)
This MIB module contains configuration MIB objects for the PacketCable Users as required by the PacketCable E-UE Provisioning Framework.
CL-PKTC-EUE-PROV-MGMT-MIB 16 8/22/2007  (pktcEUEProvMgmtMIB)
This MIB module provides the provisioning and management MIB module for the E-UE Provisioning Framework.
CL-PKTC-EUE-EVENT-MIB 9 8/13/2007  (pktcEUEEventMIB)
This MIB module provides the management objects for the Management Event mechanism as specified by the PacketCable E-UE Provisioning Framework.
CL-PKTC-EUE-EDVA-MIB 59 8/23/2007  (pktcEDVAMIB)
This MIB module contains configuration MIB objects for the PacketCable E-DVA.
CL-PKTC-EUE-RST-MIB 231 8/22/2007  (pktcEUERSTMIB)
This MIB module contains configuration MIB objects for supporting RST Features specified in the PacketCable RST specification.
CABH-PS-DEV-MIB 158 4/8/2005  (cabhPsDevMibObjects)
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the Portal Services logical element of a CableHome compliant Residential Gateway device. The PS device parameters describe general PS Device attributes and behavior characteristics. Most the PS Dev
CABH-SEC-MIB 127 8/6/2004  (cabhSecFwObjects)
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the Security Portal Services.
CABH-CAP-MIB 45 2/11/2005  (cabhCapObjects)
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the CableHome Addressing Portal CAP) portion of the PS.
CABH-CDP-MIB 74 12/16/2004  (cabhCdpObjects)
This MIB module supplies the basic management objects for the CableHome DHCP Portal CDP) portion of the PS database.
CABH-QOS2-MIB 57 4/8/2005  (cabhQos2MibObjects)
This MIB module supplies parameters for the configuration and monitoring of CableHome QoS capabilities.
CLAB-TOPO-MIB 19 12/7/2006  (clabTopoMib)
This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of fiber nodes in the Cable plant.