Free Acme Packet MIB Database - Download, Search, and Upload MIBs

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This particular page contains a full list of all SNMP MIBS from Acme Packet represented in our database. Use these MIBs to manage and capture information from various Acme Packet equipment, including Acme Packet routers, switches, other devices and software agents. There are a total of 24 Acme Packet MIB downloads in this section, containing over 1875 OIDS (Object Identifiers) in the proprietary Acme Packet subtree. Some of the latest updated Acme Packet MIBs include APNNC-MIB, APAGENTCAP-MIB, APAMI-MIB, APEMS-MIB, ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB

We currently have 7669 unique MIBs online!

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Last updated on 11/17/2014 9:57:13 AM

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Acme Packet     Total Files: 24     Sorted By: OID
MIB/Module  OID  Variable # Date
ACMEPACKET-SMI 7 2/2/2012 6:00:00 PM  (acmepacket)
Structure of Managed Information for Acme Packet Inc.
ACMEPACKET-TC 9 5/8/2012 11:05:00 PM  (apTextualConventions)
This module contains common textual convention definitons used by various Acme Packet MIB modules.
ACMEPACKET-PRODUCTS 14 7/16/2012  (apNetNet4000Series)
Products supported at Acme Packet.
APAGENTCAP-MIB 136 7/16/2012  (apAgentCapModule)
Add agent capacity for release 3.0. Modified: ifGroup.
APSYSLOG-MIB 29 7/16/2012  (apSyslogModule)
The syslog MIB for Acme Packet
APH323-MIB 19 7/16/2012  (apH323Module)
The H323 MIB for Acme Packet, now includes statistical data for H323 entities.
APSLB-MIB 29 3/9/2011  (apSLBModule)
The Session Load Balancer MIB for Acme Packet.
APDD-MIB 302 6/8/2011  (apDDModule)
The Policy Director MIB for Acme Packet.
AP-DIAMETER-MIB 57 7/6/2011  (apDiameterModule)
The Accounting MIB for Acme Packet.
APDNSALG-MIB 51 6/8/2011  (apDNSALGModule)
The Dns Alg MIB for Acme Packet.
APSIP-MIB 20 7/13/2012  (apSipModule)
SIP MIB for Acme Packet.
APAPPS-MIB 36 3/7/2012  (apAppsModule)
APPS MIB for Acme Packet.
APUSBCSYS-MIB 29 3/7/2012  (apUsbcSysModule)
APPS MIB for Acme Packet.
APRADIUS-MIB 23 3/15/2012  (apRadiusServerModule)
The Net-Net RADIUS MIB for Acme Packet
APSYSMGMT-MIB 529 7/13/2012  (apSystemManagementModule)
The system management MIB for Acme Packet, now includes statistical data for session agents.
ACMEPACKET-ENVMON-MIB 99 7/16/2012  (apEnvMonModule)
The MIB module to describe the status of the Environmental Monitor on the devices.
APSWINVENTORY-MIB 32 7/13/2012  (apSwInventoryModule)
The software inventory MIB for Acme Packet
APLICENSE-MIB 46 7/16/2012  (apLicenseModule)
The license inventory MIB for Acme Packet
APAMI-MIB 10 7/16/2012  (apAMIModule)
The Acme Management Interface MIB for Acme Packet
APCODEC-MIB 66 7/16/2012  (apCodecModule)
The codec and transcoding MIB for Acme Packet
APEMS-MIB 29 7/16/2012  (apEMSModule)
The Net-Net EMS MIB for Acme Packet
APNNC-MIB 24 8/20/2012  (apNNCModule)
The Net-Net NNC MIB for Acme Packet
APSECURITY-MIB 166 7/16/2012  (apSecurityModule)
The Net-Net SECURITY MIB for Acme Packet
ACMEPACKET-ENTITY-VENDORTYPE-OID-MIB 113 2/12/2004 11:00:00 AM  (acmepacketEntityVendortypeOIDMIB)
This module defines the object identifiers that are assigned to various components on Acme Packet products, which are used by the entPhysicalTable of the ENTITY-MIB to uniquely identify the type of each physical entry.